Telford Way Industrial Estate | 3.1 miles |
Kettering Train Station | 3.8 miles |
Kettering | 4.0 miles |
Northampton | 15.4 miles |
M1 J19 & M6 Motorway | 16.8 miles |
Leicester | 23.6 miles |
East Midlands Airport | 49.2 miles |
Stansted Airport | 73.2 miles |
London | 83.9 miles |
Initial expressions of interest are sought in first instance. Interested parties are required to confirm their interest in the land and to provide outline details of the following which will form part of the assessment criteria:
Further information and inspection can be arranged through the sole agents.
Suitable parties will be invited to submit offers in due course.
The site will be sold by way of an informal tender.
The property is VAT elected and VAT will apply to any sale at the prevailing rate.
Each party will be responsible for their legal costs incurred in the transaction.
The purchaser will be required to submit documentation to satisfy anti-money laundering regulations.
Interested parties wishing to view the site are asked to provide prior notification to Lambert Smith Hampton before viewing.
Richard Meering
T: 0753 888 1997
Joe Skinner
T: 0773 997 3929
Emma Kibble
T: 0739 588 5801